Cathy is one of the first people I remember meeting in my first week on uni campus, her gentleness and genuine care was proof of the work a loving God was doing in her life. It was 1998 and I graduated in 2001. Throughout those four years and for several years afterwards, Cathy took many opportunities to encourage me to feel, think and know my faith, and more importantly, to know God. When we met, I was confused about trusting God's revelation of Himself in His Word. Cathy encouraged me to open my Bible and open my heart to the loving, just, merciful and holy God I met there. Knowing that Jesus loved me, I became intrinsically aware of the power of His Father and God's commitment to bringing sinful people to Himself and loving us generously. Questions were welcomed, doubts were tabled and judgement was left to God. Such tenderness shown then has helped me in many following years to seek to love with God's love, as He offers it, not to make it other than it is.
Whilst studying and latter doing a ministry traineeship, I was challenged by Dave's willingness to put everything on the line for Jesus' sake. To be careful that I trusted God, not people's opinion of Him, and to be sure that I "watched my life and doctrine closely". At the time, it was something a young Christian needed to hear, and now, it is something that someone who calls herself a Christian needs to remember. To know that God sees my thoughts and that my actions and words are a reflection of the God I claim to know. I am so grateful to God for His work through the Walters, to show me what selflessness looks like, and to encourage me to trust God with all I have and all that I am.
- Zoe Hardy (nee Cuthbertson), 1998-2001+
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