Dave and Cathy 2000-2014

In 2007, after 8 years in the role, Dave finished up at MUCU as Campus Director, handing over to Andy Prideaux, and became the leader of Cross Cultures, a ministry partnership between MUCU and St Jude’s. Cross Cultures aims to help international students ‘Make friends and meet Jesus’. Cathy joined him in this ministry shortly afterwards. Hundreds of international students have been welcomed, loved and heard of Jesus for the first time through this ministry.

In 2010, Dave and Cathy moved to Adelaide for Dave to become Regional Director in South Australia, and for both Dave and Cathy to pioneer international student groups. Dave oversaw the recruitment and training of a number of staff, including his replacement. Dave and Cathy have both worked to establish international student ministries: FOCUS groups at the University of Adelaide and Flinders Uni. They leave both groups with staff teams and a critical mass of students. When they arrived, AFES had no female senior staffworkers in SA; AFES now employs 6 women on SA campuses, all of whom have been encouraged and invested in by Cathy.

Dave and Cathy also both have federal roles in AFES: as pat of the national senior management team, Dave assists the national FOCUS director in overseeing that ministry and Cathy assists the AFES national director for women.

In recent years, they've also been involved with IFES movements, visiting a number of them in 2014, in particular SVES in Slovenia. In the coming years, AFES will allow them to devote a month each year to broader IFES ministry, including Slovenia. They've also initiated ‘Go Slo’, encouraging Aussie students to study abroad in Slovenia to encourage local groups.

Will you help Dave and Cathy to continue in this valuable and strategic work?
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