This means that Dave and Cathy are now in a much stronger financial position, however they will still not be paid for the full amount of work they are doing. Their monthly combined support target is $10,700, most of which goes towards paying Dave for 5 days and Cathy for 3 days (although they usually work more than these official amounts). Their regular support is currently around $2,667 below the target, and so they won't be fully paid until they have pledges or ongoing support to reach this amount. Please pray for Dave and Cathy as they turn their attention from the crisis of the deficit, to the ongoing work of inviting people to be invested in this ministry to students.
This blog will remain active, and shift towards more occasional stories arising from Dave and Cathy's recent ministry. In the near future, this will provide space for stories from Dave and Cathy's ministry to international students, and we anticipate presenting stories from their new Brisbane ministry before too long.
Thanks so much for caring for Dave and Cathy, and for the students that they minister to - by visiting this blog, reading stories, receiving their newsletters, praying and giving financially. Dave and Cathy have felt quite overwhelmed by the support that has flooded in, and the encouragement they've received in their work. They feel in a much stronger position to be heading to Queensland for the next phase of their strategic student ministry.
Would you like to partner with them ongoingly in their Queensland ministry? You can partner in prayer by signing up to receive their prayer letters and you can give financial support through AFES.