Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Geoff Lin's reflections

I am so thankful to God for Dave and Cathy's ministry with AFES in SA over the last 5 years. They have been a constant encouragement to me personally, and a great example of what it means to give everything in service of our great King. Their role in particular in recruiting new staff for the region, and in building close partnerships with new churches, and in establishing the internationals ministry (FOCUS) cannot be overstated. I have learned so much from them about how to love the students whom God entrusts to us, proclaiming the good news of the gospel, and equipping them to stand firm in Jesus. Although they've defected to the vastly inferior northern region of Australia, I am so glad that God will continue to use them through AFES, and I will continue to pray that they will be a wonderful witness to countless more students and staff for many years to come.


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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Fei and Juliet's reflections

Being an international student and away from home is a scary feeling. But we (my wife and I) are very thankful for FOCUS (Adelaide), and especially having Dave and Cathy Walter in our lives while here in Adelaide. Dave and Cathy filled in the roles of being our family, friends and mentors easily in our lives and we learnt to adapt and enjoy being here in Adelaide through their help and support. FOCUS has grown so much under the capable leadership of Dave and Cathy and with a heavy heart, we bade our goodbyes to them. However, we know that God has a great plan for them in Brisbane and God knows their love and passion in working with international students. We know that they will be a tremendous blessing to the students there in Brisbane! Please continue to support Dave and Cathy's work, both in prayer and financially.
Fei & Juliet.


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Sunday, February 1, 2015

Jesse's reflections

I was in the Botanical garden in Melbourne
My name is Xiaojie Yang, and I was called Jesse when I was in Melbourne. Now I have finished my PhD course from The University of Western Australia, under the help and guidance kindly offered by David & Cathy in my life in Australia.

I met Dave and Cathy in Aug, 2007, when I had just arrived in Australia for the first time to do my Master course in The University of Melbourne. One of my roommates introduced me Cross Cultures, which is a Christian group led by Dave & Cathy in Melbourne and running for students, especially international students in Melbourne. At that time, I did not know Jesus or Christian very well. I just would like to play indoor soccer with Dave and other people since I am such a soccer fan. It is Dave & Cathy that introduced me to join the Cross Cultures and participate in the Bible study there. From then on, I would say I became to know Jesus and Christian little by little.

I would never forget about those Thursday nights, in St. Jude's church, when I was talking and enjoying the food, reading and studying the Bible with other friends from Cross Cultures. As a foreigner and international student living alone in Melbourne at that moment, I understand that this is a very precious opportunity for me to get closer to God and think about life from Christians' perspective. Moreover, this activity also helped me to get relaxation from the extremely stressful study. Therefore, Dave & Cathy are the first people that I should appreciate for leading this activity.

Dave & Cathy in the farm of Dave's grand parents
David showed me the bread cooked in a traditional way
In the winter of 2008, as a guest invited by Dave & Cathy, I visited Dave's grandparents' house and farm in the western part of Victoria. This is my very first time to visit some village in Australia with local people and thus one of my best memories in Melbourne. Dave & Cathy showed me the farm and cows, as well as the house. They were friendly enough to treat me the meals, with the self-cooked (in the traditional way) bread and the famous Vegemite. That was the first time for me to know this strong-taste food. Due to this tour, I became a person who has "visited" Victoria or Australia; I became a person who has been "living" in Victoria or Australia for a while. Without this tour, my life in Melbourne must be limited within the range just including the university, my accommodation in Brunswick, and St. Jude's church. I remembered that at the end of 2008, more friends from Cross Cultures were invited to that house and farm by Dave & Cathy. I am sure that they experienced a joyful and friendly trip.

In early 2009, I was trying to apply for PhD candidature after I finished my Master. That was a frustrating period in my life. I was rejected by numerous universities. Simultaneously, one of my close friends cheated me by keeping a PhD candidature opportunity from me for himself. During this difficult period, Dave & Cathy kept comforting and encouraging me. I have never thought Dave, as a person originally from western countries, could understand the meaning of friendship, loyalty, sorrow, and hate between Chinese people. Amazingly, Dave understood my feeling and my thinking considerably well. Dave & Cathy told me that even negative experience was arranged by God with some positive purpose, because God love us as His children. After that, my application for PhD candidature was accepted by The University of Western Australia and, more than my expectation, with full scholarship. I understood that this was also arranged by God and, if without Dave & Cathy's comfort and encouragement, I would never see this arrangement. Dave & Cathy saved my life from the dark night and helped me to see the sunshine of the dawn.

I was in The University of Melbourne
When I said goodbye to Cross Cultures and Melbourne in 2009, Dave gave me a farewell interview in St. Jude's church in front of all the Cross Cultures friends. I felt warm when I heard Dave & Cathy sharing their memory about me in Cross Cultures and Melbourne. As one of thousands international students in Cross Cultures, I am fortunately enough to become Dave & Cathy's friend and memorized by them. Also, I would definitely remember Cross Cultures, as well as Dave & Cathy and their help, as a key element of my life in Melbourne.

After I started my PhD candidature in Perth from the end of 2009, I heard that Dave & Cathy moved to Adelaide to run FOCUS in The University of Flinders. Since living in different cities, the communication between Dave & Cathy and me became less and less. I have not seen them again since the farewell interview in 2009. But we do care about each other by leaving messages on Facebook. Thanks to Dave & Cathy again, I joined the activity of Unichurch International in Perth to keep my step following Jesus.

Last year, I finished my PhD course in The University of Western Australia. At the same time, I heard that Dave & Cathy moved to Brisbane to run new groups and activities for Jesus. I admire Dave & Cathy so because they are brave enough to pass their achievement, such as Cross Cultures in Melbourne and the FOCUS group in Adelaide, to others and then create a new one from the very beginning. They take all the difficulties by themselves and leave the easier tasks to others. Therefore, I would say Dave & Cathy are the greatest Christians doing the greatest ministry in Australia. I am so sorry to hear that the financial support for them is not enough at this stage. Dave & Cathy's help and encouragement to students, especially international students, are more than vital in terms of not only following Jesus but also daily life!

Jesse Xiaojie Yang


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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Glen Macrae's reflections

I can’t speak to highly of Dave and Cathy’s example of love for Jesus and love for university students. 

After a few years involved in Christian Union at Melbourne University as a student I went on to do a traineeship in 2004-05 while Dave was Senior Staff worker. At the time I was one of a small team of staff that benefited from Dave’s leadership. 

Glen and Anna Macrae
God used my time in Dave’s team to deeply shape in me a Gospel focused & thoroughly biblical word view which I have drawn from ever since in my Christian walk and leadership. His personal example of loving students and so sharing the message of the Gospel with them was exemplary and he infused the team with the same passion creating an evangelistic dynamic. Dave made great investments in Christian students and upcoming leaders in the form of  one-one mentoring, which has provided me a model for one-one discipleship ever since. As a team leader Dave was so helpful in the way he gathered us together and invested in our hearts and minds, facilitated team relationships, as well as giving due attention to the nuts and bolts of ministry. In this way Dave imitated Jesus who did the same thing as he gathered his disciples for mission.  

As an Anglican Minister working in the Diocese of Melbourne I continually draw on what God implanted in me as an AFES trainee under Dave’s leadership. The leadership values that I caught and made my own - teaching the bible in order to promote a biblical world view, promoting an evangelistic dynamic, team leading, one-one work - are values that I have carried with me ever since and expect to hold on to for a lifetime of ministry. 

Glen Macrae
Associate Minister Ormond Anglican Church


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