Friday, October 24, 2014

Jon and Kara Thorne's reflections

Humidity. Crazy motorbikes. Amazing smells. Children playing in the streets. A scene far removed from the quiet hallways of Melbourne University and attending Christian Union (CU) main meetings. Yet amazingly these scenes are linked. How? In both places, we needed Jesus and were challenged to deepen our Christian faith. What we learnt 18 years earlier in CU, has continued to sustain, anchor and protect us in the streaming, and steaming, streets of South East Asia, living amongst a people group whose faith disagrees with our core beliefs.

We both, Jon & Kara, studied at Melbourne University from 1995 to 2000 and met at Christian Union. Together we were involved in leading Science Faculty Bible study groups. At that time David was a senior staff worker and teacher and Cathy a mentor for Kara.

So 14 years later we find ourselves serving in South East Asia with our four children in a country that is predominantly of a different faith. We have now lived here 2.5 years. Kara is a fulltime mother, part-time homeschooler of four children (ages between 9yrs to 16yrs) and a ‘taxi’ driver. Jon has started a business as a way to connect and support local people as well as to support the local church.

Dave and Cathy Walter were a key part, 18 years earlier, of us being in South East Asia. How you may ask? Cathy and Dave built us up in understanding so many truths about Jesus, on how to apply these truths into our daily life and were patient with us as we asked many questions. We were not treated with scorn or seen as doubters but were given room to mature and be shown how to study and digest the scriptures. Cathy & David walked through so many of our life transitions with us at University (ie marriage, children). BUT it did not stop there. Over the next 15 years they continued to input into our lives as our family grew in number, studying at theological college, through Jon’s cancer, when wrestling through the decision of ministering overseas as a family and then visiting us in our new home in South-East Asia.

Living in South East- Asia has bought many hardships, and even evil, into our lives. Our abilities, our good works, our knowledge, our feelings, our relationships, familiar cultural cues did not sustain us. But our Christian faith has! We knew that truth comes from the Word of God alone and the dependence on this truth was even more real when we moved to another country. We had to trust in Jesus & not in ourselves.

In each (and more) of these places & situations, they were willing to talk of spiritual things, share of themselves and speak the truth in love to us. We knew of their prayerfulness for, and over, our family when apart (even by state boundaries) and it moulded the way they conversed with us when we were together.

Our prayer is that they can continue to be mentors and friends to many other people like us, from many nations. Dave and Cathy have been an invaluable influence on our lives and many others like us. We pray that they are able to bless many more lives in the future through their work with university students from all around the world.


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