Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Rick and Miranda Starkey's reflections

Rick says:
I first met Dave Walter in 1993, as a Commerce student who had been invited to his CU Bible study group.  Dave seemed to emanate godly wisdom and a firm trust in the Bible.  He was one of the first people I met who treated the Bible as a text to be wrestled with and understood as opposed to a ‘magic’ artefact to be quoted in times of trouble.  He was one of a few people in the CU who passed on this revelation to me, and over the years of church ministry in some small way I hope to have passed it on to others.

Miranda says:
I remember meeting one-on-one with Cathy (at Melbourne Uni in 1998) & her really challenging me in being serious about ministry. She convinced me to give it a go as a job! That experience is beneficial in my ongoing ministry today, serving at church around all the other things I do.


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