Monday, September 15, 2014

Andy Prideaux's reflections

I first met Dave and Cathy in my first year at Uni and CU-it was also Cathy’s first year at CU. Dave was 2 years ahead (I think); an elder in CU terms. Of course since I was an Arts student and they were both science students it was forbidden that we be friends. All that ended at SUMMIT that year where I got the chance especially to get to know Dave and begin a friendship with him and later Cathy, which has been an amazing blessing in so many ways that I can’t count them. My wife Ness wants to say Amen to that too! It could have had something to do with driving quite fast in Dave’s 1960’s Valiant, coupled with sitting under the teaching of Leon Morris from 1 John.

But the main thing I wanted to say for this blog, was that first as a student, and then returning to work as part of the staff team later with Dave and Cathy, I saw first hand their deep trust in the Lord Jesus, their knowledge that His power is at work in their weakness, and that He is working all things together for good-including the difficult heart breaking things,  and their desire to serve Him and sacrificially love and serve others for Christ’s sake.

Over the last 25 years (almost) I have been encouraged, trained, spurred on, rebuked and blessed by God through their ministry to me-and as we have worked together and apart-in the lives of others (Also once when we went book shopping together Dave let me have Driver & Gray on Job even though, technically, he saw it on the shelf first. If you’ve only ever ‘found’ books on the internet it will be hard for you to appreciate the nobility of this act)

I think one clear way in which God has gifted Dave and Cathy is in their ability to perceive what’s going on in a ministry, and with wisdom suggest ways forward-‘the plan’- that enables a healthy gospel ministry to flourish long after they have gone. This was certainly the case at Melbourne Uni which I experienced first-hand when I succeeded Dave in his role there. They built on the foundation of Christ, with precious and costly stones. I have no doubt that this will be the case in SA. Dave and Cathy also recognise the variety amongst God’s people and never try to make people exactly like them in ministry-their desire is that they and others grow to be more like Jesus. This meant that although Dave and I are quite different to each other, we could work together really well. I saw this in his working dynamic with many other members of the team over the years. This quality is also clearly evident in Cathy’s ministry.

Because Dave & Cathy have accepted the challenge to move to new areas of work interstate, while the ministry they have left behind remains well supported, they don’t always get to benefit directly from this in terms of their own financial support. As a long term supporter of Dave and Cathy , can I encourage those of you who know them to consider coming on board as a partner with them in ministry, and/or by making a one of donation to help with this deficit so that they can make a fresh debt-free start in QLD.

Thank God for His faithfulness to us all in the Lord Jesus, not least through the fellowship of His people, not least through our brother Dave and sister Cathy.


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