Monday, September 15, 2014

Sandy Clarke's reflections

When I came to the University of Melbourne as a first year in 2001, I was bursting with questions and a desire to deepen my faith.  While God had long been working in my heart, Dave and Cathy were some of the key people He used to seize this opportunity, through the Melbourne Uni Christian Union.  They seemed undaunted by my questions but never made me feel silly for asking them.  As campus director, Dave showed leadership and vision but was also willing to entrust students like me with responsibility, particularly with things I would have been too timid to volunteer myself for.  As a result, this was the period of my life during which I received more ministry training than any other, always with the reminder that my confidence and security come from the hope held out by the gospel.  I am still blessed by this training and this reminder in my present work and ministry at university.

God has generously gifted Dave and Cathy with great capacity for ministry.  I pray that He will bridge the gap between their current financial support and this capacity.


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* Or even better, become a regular supporter!

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