Monday, September 22, 2014

Paul Humphrey's reflections

In my Honours year, Dave and I planned to exercise at the gym to ‘put some muscle’ on my decidedly ‘ectomorph’ physique. Regretfully, this physical training didn’t happen (nor did the physical transformation). But far more importantly, Dave’s faithful Bible teaching - characterised by insightful application and lived out in discerning obedience - has ‘bulked up’ my life’s response to the Lord Jesus. 

I first met Dave and Cathy at a Christian Union O(rientation)-Camp. Dave was a force to be reckoned with at the table tennis table and on the cricket pitch (soccer, not so much). But more than his sporting prowess, I admired Dave’s gentle devotion to his wife Cathy, and intentional friendship building with students - including a shy, long-haired first year bloke called Paul.

In the early ‘noughties’, Dave and I met regularly to chat, chew over Bible talks and passages, pray and weigh life priorities - including career options and the perennial topic of ‘CU match-making’ (both mine and others’). With humility, sincerity and succinctness, Dave repeatedly pointed me to the God Who graciously sent His Son Jesus to live, die and rise again so we could know God as loving Father (not punishing Judge), share that most excellent news, and live forever with Him.

Catching some of this Gospel zeal, I stayed on at Melbourne Uni with Christian Union as an AFES ministry apprentice, coupled with part-time theological studies at Ridley College. Two years turned into four. In 2005 Dave surprised me with an invitation to shift ministry focus from Aussie medical students to overseas students, with the freshly launched “Cross Cultures”. The year or so I spent serving with Cross Cultures was the most daunting, thrilling, draining, humbling and Christ-exalting of my decade at Melbourne Uni! Dave’s contagious Gospel bravado helped persuade me to join Cross Cultures, and his faithful prior example and coaching equipped me to love international students by introducing them to Jesus and His family.

I now serve Jesus as a husband, father, church elder and public servant. In each of these, I see elements of the Spirit’s work, through Dave, in me. Striving (despite regular setbacks) to cherish Shell and her eternal welfare more than my selfish short-term ‘needs’. Learning to be a humble, patient, forgiven and forgiving dad who shows and shares a contagious trust in King Jesus, our Big Brother. Labouring with seasoned brothers to care for a local part of Christ’s flock, guarding the purity of the Gospel and unity of our witness. Diligently working to provide for family, and helping steward Victoria’s financial resources for the community’s welfare, under God. Watching my life and doctrine closely. Persevering for my and others’ welfare. Loving, honouring, obeying Jesus.
Dave and Cathy, thank you! Know that your words seasoned with grace, loving example and prayerful dedication to honouring Christ continue to bring our Lord Jesus praise and glory! We’re looking forward to celebrating with you - amongst the many the Spirit is calling from every corner of the planet - when Jesus returns…

-Paul Humphreys (Melb Uni, 1996-2006)


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